On this occasion, Dr. Dauood Iqbal Baba, Director, Sports & Physical Education,University of Jammuwas invited as the Chief GuestandSh. Vikas Gupta, Vice-President, Judo Association (J&K)as a Special Guest. TheNIS Judo Coach, Sh. Rameshwar Singh JamwalandDr. Akhilesh Sharma, Liaison Officer, University of Jammucoordinated the entire event.
The esteemedDirector, Sports & Physical Education, University of Jammu, Dr. Dauood Iqbal Babaand the other guests werewarmly welcomed by Dr. Kusam Sharma. Dr. Dauoodpresented certificates to all the Judokas and healso congratulated the two Judokas,Mr. Rajat Chib and Mr. Akshay Sharma, trained under the supervision ofNIS Judo Coach, Sh. Rameshwar Singh Jamwal, who will be representing J&K in Khelo India GamesatHaryana.
Dr. Dauood in his addressing assured that in future too he and his Sports Directorate will lend their full support in organizing such Camps twice a year in the University of Jammu. He motivated the Judokas to work hard with more zeal and commitment and strive for better results in the future and make a mark for themselves in the history of the Nation.He wished them all the best for their future endeavors and urged them to become good human beings who could convert weakness into strength, obstacles into opportunities and failures into triumphs He also spoke in his speech that thisValedictory cum Certificate Distribution Ceremony indeed proved to be a culmination of hard work, dedication and commitment of Judokas, their Judo Coach, Sports Directorate, University of Jammu, Judo Association (J&K), trainers and the parents in unison.
During the ceremony, one of the Judokas Master Aahil Sharma of B.S.F. Sr. Secondary School, Ploura gave an energetic thanks giving speech in the honour of Sports Director, Dr. Dauood and other dignitaries. The entireGymnasium Hall was resonated bythe slogans shouted by the little Master and the applaud he received by the warm audience. In this Judo Camp near about 120 Judokas from different schools and districtsparticipated with great zeal and enthusiasm and were trained under the able guidance and supervision of Judo Coach,Sh. Rameshwar. During the entire event, there was a presence of around 200people includingparticipants, their parents, trainers and the honourable guests on the venue.
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