POONCH: In the last three days, Secretary Social Welfare Department Anjum Shaheen (KAS) visited various government welfare institutions of Poonch district, she visited various children's ashrams, orphanages, government administrated hostels etc in different Blocks and Tehsils of District Poonch.
During the same tour, she also reached the Girls Pahadi Hostel Poonch where she had a long meeting with the girls of the hostel and distributed daily necessities among them.
During her visit of this boarder district she also inspected the Girl’s Pahadi Hostel and the Boy's Pahadi Hostel Poonch in detail and gave necessary instructions to the relevant officials of the both hostels.Ms. Anjum Shaheen also reviewed the construction work of proposed Building of Girls Pahadi Hostel, and assured Mrs Shahnaz Bano, Warden Girl’s Pahari Hostel Poonch, that she reiterated the acceleration of the construction work of the concerned building.
On this occasion Warden Girl’s Pahadi Hostel Mrs Shahnaz Bano,  specially thanked the Secretary of the Pahari Board, Madam Bureedah Majid Ji, for taking personal interest in disbursing  funds for the construction of this building and taking extra steps to speed up the work.
The people of Poonch have welcomed these decisions of J&K Pahari Board in recent days for the welfare of entitled girls.


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