JAMMU 17 : Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences celebrated Freshers day on Wednesday the 17th of May, 2023. This cultural event was organized by Department o Sports, Cultural & Academics under the guidance of Dr. Ravinder K Gupta, Vice Chairman, Sport & Cultural Activities. The Chief Guest of function was Mr. Davinder K Batra, Sectretary, Mr. Manik Batra, Trustee, ASCOMS was the Guest of Honor and Mr. Bhisham Batra, Trustee, ASCOMS was the special gueston the occasion. The others present were Dr. Pavan Malhotra, Director Principal, Dr. Ravinder Gupta, Vice Chairman Sports & Cultural Activities, various HODs, faculty members of ASCOMS, ASCONE & ASCOPS, staff, students and parents of newcomers. Various scintillati
The Chief Guest on this occasion Mr. Davinder K Batra, in his address appreciated the organizing committee for organizing such a wonderful event. He said that it’s a moment of great privilege and honour for him to extend a hearty welcome to all newcomers. He also said that Our college doesn’t only focuses on education but it works in a 360 degree manner by developing personal qualities such as leadership, teamwork, determination, flexibility, confidence, self -belief, respect etc, in all to mould a versatile person in you. Mr. Batra appreciated the student for presenting the incredible performances.
Dr. Pavan Malhotra, Director Principal in his address appreciated the students for their scintillating performance in today’s function which kept the audience spell bound.He congratulated all the newcomers for achieving for their success in getting a seat in this prestigious medical college. He said that this is a first step towards their dream and achieving the goals. He also thanked the parents of the students for becoming part of this occasion. While concluding his address, he said that you all should meet and greet everyone and make a cordial relationship with all and always try to be extraordinary in every case to stand out and shine your way out as we all have very high expectation from all of you. Dr. Malhotra also appreciated the efforts put in by the students under the supervision of Dr. Ravinder K Gupta, Vice Chairman Sports & Cultural Activities for organizing this event.
Prizes were distributed among the winners by the Chief Guest, Guest of Honor, Special Guest, Director Principal and Vice Chairman, Sports & Cultural Activities.
The 2nd Prof MBBS students conducted the proceedings during the cultural activity
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