Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party today celebrated the birth anniversary of Maharaja Hari Singh with great enthusiasm and fervour.

 Jammu Sept 23: Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party today celebrated the birth anniversary of Maharaja Hari Singh with great enthusiasm and fervour. Floral tributes were paid to Maharaja Hari Singh at his statue at Tawi Bridge near Jewel by Panther leaders under the leadership of Vilakshan Singh, President of JKNPP.   While paying tributes to Maharaja Hari Singh, JKNPP President Vilakshan Singh threw light on the reforms taken by the Maharaja during his regime. He said that Maharaja Hari Singh was the first Maharaja in the country to establish a High Court. He recalled that the Maharaja ensured free and compulsory girl education, widow remarriage, flood control channel, irrigation canal, environment and forest protection laws, local handicraft promotion, sericulture etc. Singh highlighted the Justice oriented approach of the Maharaja during his dispensation.  Maharaja Hari Singh was a social reformer who opened gates of temples for dalits, made girl education free and introduced Widow Remarriage and Property Act, he added. He said in order to abolish untouchability, Maharaja Hari Singh allowed the entry of Scheduled Castes in the temples.  Maharaja Hari Singh stopped the rampant practice of child marriage and promoted widow remarriage.  


Vilakshan said that there are many challenges that the Dogra community is going to face in the changing scenario. He said that the Dogras shall have to remain prepared to face those challenges. He urged the Dogras to get united as unity among the Dogras is the need of hour to restore their lost glory.


Others who were present on occasion were Naresh Chib, Rajesh Gondhi, State General Secretaries, Ravinder Jamwal State Secretary, , Rakesh Gupta District President Jammu Sanjeev Verma District Vice President Jammu and others.



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