Speech of Hon’ble Lt Governor Shri Manoj Sinha at the inauguration and foundation stone laying for multiple development projects by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in Jammu Kashmir.
I heartily welcome and congratulate respected Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji, the architect of new India and new Jammu and Kashmir, to the city of temples, Jammu. Honorable Prime Minister, you have freed Jammu and Kashmir from seven decades of suffering, injustice, separatism, terrorism and corruption on 5 August 2019 and developed it as a new role model of socio-economic development. During this period, the Honorable Prime Minister had inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of projects worth Rs 20,000 crore. Today, the foundation stone and inauguration of development projects worth Rs 32,247 crore will be done by the Prime Minister. Other schemes worth Rs 20,000 crore will be completed in the coming four months. By March 2025, other projects worth about Rs 60,000 crore will be completed and dedicated to the welfare and development of the common citizens. Extensive changes all around in Jammu and Kashmir, hustle and bustle of development in every corner are a direct proof of the commitment of the Honorable Prime Minister to build a glorious Jammu and Kashmir.

1. Within just five years, the Honorable Prime Minister has ensured social justice, equity and inclusive development in Jammu and Kashmir. Refugees from Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and West Pakistan have got social justice after decades and now their ownership rights on land and property are being ensured. Dalits, tribals, backward classes, women and other weaker sections of the society have been empowered socially, economically and politically by the Honorable Prime Minister and if we look at the figures, about 1.25 crore deprived people have been brought into the mainstream of development. For the first time in history, reservation of seats for Other Backward Classes in Panchayats and Urban Local Bodies has been provided and timely elections to Panchayats and Urban Local Bodies will be ensured. 33% seats have been reserved for Nari Shakti. Scheduled Tribe reservation has been provided to Pahari, Padari, Koli and Gadda Brahmins. I express my heartfelt gratitude to the Honorable Prime Minister for this historic decision. At the same time, the interests of Gujjar, Bakarwal, Gaddi, Sippy and other tribes have been protected and the ideal of social harmony has been presented by the Honorable Prime Minister by ensuring them the same reservation as before.
आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी के नेतृत्व में जम्मू कश्मीर सामाजिक-आर्थिक विकास के नए रोल मॉडल के रूप में विकसित हुआ है। आज 32,247 करोड़ रुपये की विकास परियोजनाओं का लोकार्पण व शिलान्यास जम्मू कश्मीर की स्वर्णिम यात्रा का ऐतिहासिक पड़ाव है। pic.twitter.com/L42FhyEk8g
— Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) February 20, 2024
2. The participation of 42 lakh citizens in the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra has ensured that the vehicle guaranteed by the Honorable Prime Minister reaches every family with the benefits of all the schemes. Jammu and Kashmir is among the best performing states of the country in this mass movement. Also, the best performance of Jammu and Kashmir in the public campaigns “Azadi ke Amrit Mahotsav”, “Har Ghar Tiranga”, “Meri Mati Mera Desh” is a proof that under the leadership of the Prime Minister, Jammu and Kashmir is moving towards the golden age in Amrit Kaal.
सात दशकों तक भेदभाव के शिकार पाक अधिकृत जम्मू कश्मीर,पश्चिमी पाकिस्तानी शरणार्थियों, दलित, आदिवासियों, पिछड़ा वर्ग, महिलाओं तथा समाज के अन्य कमजोर वर्गों को विकास की मुख्यधारा से जोड़कर आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी ने सामाजिक न्याय,समता और समावेशी विकास सुनिश्चित किया है। pic.twitter.com/B6Um6IzOwp
— Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) February 20, 2024
3. Industrialization under the leadership of Honorable Prime Minister has changed the face of Jammu and Kashmir. A total of investment proposals worth Rs 90,182 crore have been received so far. Industrial investment of more than Rs 14,000 crore has either been realized on the ground or related projects are in the pipeline, which efforts are being made to start at a rapid pace. 46 new industrial estates are being developed.
“आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव”, “हर घर तिरंगा”, “मेरी माटी मेरा देश” जन अभियानों में जम्मू कश्मीर का सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन इस बात का प्रमाण है कि आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी के नेतृत्व में जम्मू कश्मीर अमृतकाल में स्वर्णयुग की तरफ कदम बढ़ा रहा है। pic.twitter.com/notySfs6KJ
— Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) February 20, 2024
4. Under the leadership of the Honorable Prime Minister, the aspirations of the youth of Jammu and Kashmir are linked to the aspirations of the nation. From 2021-22 to January 2024, 8 lakh 34 thousand youth have been provided self-employment opportunities. In government jobs, recruitment has been done on more than 34,000 posts on the basis of merit and recruitment process is going on for 12,000 other posts. Just yesterday i.e. on 19th, approval was given to fill more than 4000 vacant posts in Jammu and Kashmir Police. More than 8 lakh women have become entrepreneurs by joining more than 87,000 self-help groups.
जम्मू कश्मीर में चहुंओर व्यापक बदलाव, यूटी के कोने-कोने में विकास की हलचल, आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी के वैभवशाली जम्मू कश्मीर के निर्माण की प्रतिबद्धता का प्रत्यक्ष प्रमाण है। pic.twitter.com/cdaMTDJcA0
— Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) February 20, 2024
5. Honorable Prime Minister, under your leadership the speed of completing projects in Jammu and Kashmir has increased ten times as compared to before. More than 92,000 projects were completed in the last financial year and more than one lakh projects will be completed in this financial year.
6. Before 2019, only 40 e-services were available in Jammu and Kashmir, but today more than 1100 public services are being made available to the common citizens.
पिछले तीन वर्षों में औद्योगिक क्रांति ने जम्मू कश्मीर की तस्वीर बदल दी है। pic.twitter.com/54n2KqIWA9
— Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) February 20, 2024
7. Farmer brothers of Jammu and Kashmir are today at fifth position in the entire country in terms of monthly earnings. 29 projects are being implemented under the Holistic Agriculture Development Program at a cost of Rs 5013 crore which will bring a radical change in 13 lakh families.
जम्मू कश्मीर के नौजवानों की आकांक्षाएं राष्ट्र की आकांक्षाओं से जुड़ी हैं। युवाओं, महिलाओं, किसान भाइयों और कमजोर वर्गों के स्वर्णिम भविष्य की मजबूत नींव तैयार की जा रही है। pic.twitter.com/SJvV5AoiHx
— Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) February 20, 2024
8. The whole world is witness to the fact that in the last five years in Jammu and Kashmir, the Honorable Prime Minister has given every citizen the right to live as per their wish. Terror incidents have reduced by 75%. Local recruitment has ended. The strike calendar has been closed. The administration is now publishing the calendar of education and employment. Stone pelting is now a thing of history. Markets and schools remain open throughout the year. The common man is enjoying night life in Kashmir Valley. In the districts where earlier there used to be fear in the evening, now cinema halls and restaurants are running till late night. Jammu and Srinagar cities are being seen as new models of urban transformation.
आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी के मार्गदर्शन में जम्मू कश्मीर में परियोजनाओं को पूरा करने की रफ्तार पहले की तुलना में दस गुना बढ़ गई है। pic.twitter.com/UABxcZdvIC
— Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) February 20, 2024
9. Honorable Prime Minister, centuries ago Jammu and Kashmir, the crown jewel of India, was considered the center of knowledge. You have restored that ancient glory. The ecosystem of two premier institutions like AIIMS, IIM, IIT, NIFT, IIMC, centers of Industry 4.0 technology skilling, innovation and invention has empowered the youth by providing new strength to the education sector of Jammu and Kashmir. This city of Temple has become the only region where there are AIIMS, IIT, IIM, Central Universities.
10. Today Jammu and Kashmir stands at par with the leading states of the country on health parameters.
राष्ट्र के मुकुट मणि कहे जाने वाले जम्मू कश्मीर की शारदा पीठ के गौरव को आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी ने पुनर्स्थापित करने का काम किया है। pic.twitter.com/UzZeKvB89q
— Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) February 20, 2024
11. The spiritual city of Jammu is now known as the major education center of the country. After decades, the potential of Jammu division has been exploited and all the 10 districts are setting new records of development. I have full confidence that in the coming days, Kathua, Jammu, Samba, Reasi, Udhampur will stand at par with other industrial cities of the country.
अत्यंत अल्प समय में नया सामर्थ्य अर्जित करके जम्मू कश्मीर अब विकसित भारत में अपना पूर्ण योगदान देने को तत्पर है। pic.twitter.com/H8YN9yCa87
— Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) February 20, 2024
Honorable Prime Minister, you have created a Jammu and Kashmir which is ready to make its full contribution to the developed India by acquiring new capabilities in a very short time. Jammu and Kashmir is making new achievements every day in the fields of business, science, technology, art, culture and sports and is moving towards the pinnacle of peace and prosperity. This is the Jammu and Kashmir of your dreams. This is Jammu and Kashmir of your resolutions. On behalf of all the citizens, I express my heartfelt gratitude to you for the creation of this new Jammu and Kashmir.
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