Jammu, Dec 15: - The JK Print Media Association held an emergency meeting today in Jammu, chaired by President Ravi Khajuria. The meeting was attended by prominent members, including Rajiv Chuni, Satish Poonchi, S.C. Goswami, Chandan Sahib, Manoj Kumar, Tarun Kumar, Abhishek Koushal, Vikas Sharma, Jagdish Choudhary, and others.

During the meeting, a thorough discussion was held on various issues affecting newspapers, particularly the current advertisement policies. The association presented several demands, calling for a comprehensive overhaul of newspaper advertisement rates and policies.

The key demands presented by the association include:

- Increasing advertisement rates to Rs. 100 per square centimeter for Black and White advertisements, Rs. 120 per square centimeter for colored inner/last page, and Rs. 150 per square centimeter for front page. This increase is long overdue, considering the rates have been stagnant for the past decade.
- Boosting the existing budget for print media, which has not seen a raise in several years. This increase is essential to ensure that print media can continue to operate effectively and provide quality content to its readers.
- Ensuring equal value for all empaneled newspapers, regardless of their category. This would ensure that all newspapers receive a fair share of advertisements, promoting a level playing field.
- Accrediting editors whose newspapers are empaneled with DIPR for advertisements. This would help establish credibility and trust in the advertisement process.
- Restarting advertisements for newspapers that were previously empaneled but had their advertisements stopped, along with the payment of outstanding dues. This is a matter of justice, as these newspapers should not be penalized for reasons beyond their control.

The association also expressed concern over the dormant newspaper empanelment committee meeting, which was previously held bi-annually. The association demands that this committee convene immediately to address the long-standing issue of empaneling newspapers that have consistently published for many years.

To further press their demands, the association plans to meet with key stakeholders, including government officials, advertisers, and other relevant parties, to garner support for their cause.

"We urge the authorities to take our demands seriously and take immediate action to address these long-standing issues," said Ravi Khajuria, President of the JK Print Media Association. "We believe that our demands are reasonable and necessary to ensure the survival and success of print media in our region."

The JK Print Media Association represents the interests of print media outlets in Jammu and Kashmir. The association works to promote the welfare of its members, advocate for their rights, and address issues affecting the print media industry.


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